Our Investment Process


The investment objective is to build capital value over the long-term by taking advantage of a full market cycle.  The portfolio is expected, but not guaranteed, to outperform general market averages while emphasizing the importance of an investor’s after-tax rate of return.  Generally, the portfolio invests in well capitalized domestic and multinational companies that we feel possess superior one to three year capital appreciation potential.  The portfolio is designed to represent the growth portion of an investor’s asset allocation with all sales proceeds and dividends reinvested.

The Key Steps in Building Your Portfolio

  • Fundamental and strategic analysis identifies sectors and companies with the best prospects for price appreciation.
  • Valuation screens are applied to these prospects to determine if the company best represents that sector’s potential.
  • Once identified, these stocks are screened using technical analysis to establish where entry points need to be established.
  • Diversification remains key to a portfolio’s success. No single stock should represent a disproportionate amount of an investor’s assets.
  • Stock selecting will be equally weighted over the long-term within reason. Holdings can be repositioned over time to maintain sector weightings and portfolio balance.
  • Holdings will be held until they have reached what we believe to be a fully priced valuation level or the fundamentals within the company have changed. Positions can be replaced using forced displacement or if dramatic short-term price appreciation occurs.
  • The portfolio is reviewed continuously and all positions are re-justified on an ongoing basis.


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